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Origins of Coffee

Hello, this is Harry.

Today, let’s discuss one of the pieces of information found on coffee bean profile stickers: the origin of the beans. Before we dive into the origins, let’s briefly review the types and characteristics of coffee beans. Coffee beans are generally classified into three main types: Arabica, Robusta, and Liberica.

1. Types and Characteristics of Coffee Beans

Arabica (Arabica)

  • Characteristics: About 70% of global coffee production is grown at high altitudes. It has a pronounced acidity with rich fruit and floral notes, providing a smooth and complex flavor profile.

Robusta (Robusta)

  • Characteristics: Less demanding regarding growing conditions compared to Arabica and has higher caffeine content. It is known for its strong and bitter taste and is commonly used in instant coffee and coffee blends.

Liberica (Liberica)

  • Characteristics: Has a weaker aroma and stronger bitterness, with limited growing regions. It is considered to have lower quality and is mostly grown in the Philippines in small quantities.

2. Bean Characteristics by Continent/Country

South America

  • Characteristics: Arabica varieties are primarily grown, offering a wide range of flavors and aromas. These coffees are known for their balanced acidity and body.
    • Brazil
      • Production: The world’s largest coffee producer, accounting for about 30% of global coffee production.
      • Bean Characteristics: Known for chocolate and nutty flavors, with a general emphasis on sweetness and a good body. It is often used as a blending base.
      • Main Beans: Brazilian Arabica, Brazilian Robusta
    • Colombia
      • Production: The second-largest coffee producer globally, making up about 10% of the world’s coffee supply.
      • Bean Characteristics: Famous for its mild flavor, balanced acidity, and body. The Antioquia region offers medium acidity and body with chocolate and nutty notes, while the Huila region is known for its bright acidity and fruity flavors.
      • Main Beans: Colombian Arabica

Central America

  • Characteristics: Arabica beans are grown in various high-altitude areas, featuring refreshing acidity and complex flavors.
    • Guatemala
      • Bean Characteristics: Beans from the Antigua region are known for their smoky aroma and smooth acidity, with lingering dark chocolate notes and a rich body.
      • Main Beans: Guatemalan Antigua
    • Costa Rica
      • Bean Characteristics: Beans from the Tarrazú region are noted for their bright acidity, smooth aftertaste, and floral aroma. They feature citrus and tropical fruit flavors with a clean and bright acidity.
      • Main Beans: Costa Rican Tarrazú


  • Characteristics: Africa produces coffee at various altitudes and climates, with strong acidity and complex flavor profiles.
    • Kenya
      • Production: A major coffee producer known for its strong acidity and well-balanced beans.
      • Bean Characteristics: Features sweet fruit flavors and tangy notes. The Nyeri region provides complex fruit flavors like blackcurrant and grapefruit, with wine-like nuances, while the Kiambu region highlights bright acidity with citrus and berry notes.
      • Main Beans: Kenyan AA, Nyeri, Kiambu
    • Ethiopia
      • Bean Characteristics: Known for its strong acidity, rich fruit, and floral notes, including jasmine, lemon, and berries. Beans from the Sidamo region, grown at 1500-2200 meters, are particularly noted for their strong floral and fruit flavors with bergamot and citrus notes.
      • Main Beans: Yirgacheffe, Sidamo


  • Characteristics: Asia produces a variety of coffee bean types with a strong body and unique flavors.
    • Indonesia
      • Bean Characteristics: Known for its rich body and heavy feel with minimal acidity and sweet flavors. Beans from the Bali region offer a clean taste with medium body and chocolate and nutty notes.
      • Main Beans: Sumatra Mandheling, Bali Coffee

North America

  • Hawaii Kona
    • Bean Characteristics: Grown at elevations of 600-1200 meters, it offers a smooth body and balanced acidity with chocolate, fruit, and nutty flavors.
    • Main Beans: Hawaiian Kona


  • Jamaica
    • Bean Characteristics: Famous for Blue Mountain coffee, grown in a limited area. Each bean is hand-picked to ensure high quality. Grown at elevations of 900-1700 meters, it features fruit, nut, and spice flavors.
    • Main Beans: Jamaican Blue Mountain

We’ve briefly reviewed the characteristics of coffee beans by continent and region. When you visit our café, if you remember what you’ve learned today, you might find more enjoyment in selecting and tasting different beans. Even if you find it difficult to remember all the details, you can check the profile stickers on coffee packages to compare different beans and learn about their origins. By showing just a little more interest in coffee, your coffee journey can become much more meaningful and exciting.

I’ll return next time with an interesting topic. Thank you.

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